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Using a Craigslist/Kijiji Account

28 December 2016
Wednesday, 4 february 2024


Autoposter has the ability to post each ad after logging into your craigslist/kijiji account(s). This means each successful post will appear in your account. If you wanted your ads to post to a CL/Kijiji account, then you simply input your account email(s) into the ACCOUNTS section of the software (click on the last row of the table to input new account). There is a tab called "Accounts" and on that tab you can input one or as many accounts (email handles) into each row or edit them. You can set one master password box at the bottom of the list if password needs to be the SAME for ALL accounts in the list.

There are special buttons for performing group actions on selected accounts like renewing ads, deleting ads etc..
Renew accounts ads now - Renew all live ads found in selected accounts on craigslist or repost (delete old post & post a new one) on kijiji
Delete accounts ads now - Delete all live ads found in selected accounts
Import accounts ads now - Import into the program all live ads found in selected accounts
 NOTES: - You can renew/repost/delete or import all ads in the selected accounts with a special renewallads campaign It has more priority than Accounts tab. Autoposter looks for email settings to verify email under Accounts tab even if you use !login{} keyword. So you should input your account and its email settings under Accounts tab anyway.
Verify email settings - Check emails settings for reading incoming emails to verify links from CL/Kijiji.
Import accounts from file - Click it to fill the table from file. Please go here
Delete checked accounts - Removes checked accounts from the table or select its row(s) by clicking on grey field (the whole row must be selected) and press delete button on the keyboard to delete a row. Hold CTRL key to select multiple rows.

- Make sure there is a checkbox by each account in the list that you want to post with at the current time - To edit an account on the list, simply click on the email address to turn it into an editable text box
- You should input your existing email for using it on CL/Kijiji in the first column and its CL/Kijiji password in the second column.
- You may also need to input email/email password/pop3 server(optional) settings for each account for auto email verification. It may be needed only during login on CL or for creating new CL/Kijiji accounts. You can leave email password blank if it is the same as for cl/kijiji account. You can leave pop3 server blank to find out it automatically. Master email settings under settings tab is used for email verification if settings under Accounts tab are incorrect or absent (in case of wildcard domain). Click 'Verify Accounts Emails' to verify your settings and check report under reports tab.
- If Autoposter can't login to your account because it was never created then it will try to create it automatically with the email settings you filled. You can use this feature for creating new cl and kijiji accounts.
- if you use proxies or VPN then It is one of cl rules that email must be verified with the same IP as the ad was posted. That is why it is important that email verification must be done automatically. This way the software won’t change IP before email verification. So email forwarding must be setup properly in your email accounts or input your emails settings for each email account under Accounts tab for automatic email verification.
  - Input !city{New York},!campaign{default},!proxy{} or other keyword(s) in the Options (or phone) column to use account only for specified city/campaign/proxy respectively (i.e. New York city and default campaign and proxy in this example).
- You can use !login{username1|passw1} keyword (input it anywhere in your ad’s body) to specify what account to use for selected ad.
- You should input your phone numbers in phone column under Accounts tab for auto-filling phone numbers during phone verification on CL (phone number for each account must be different) or use !text{contact_phone|19173331122} keyword in your ad (replace 19173331122 with your own phone number). Input account like @your-domain.com if you need to set phone for catchall domain (It is not recommended to use 19173331122 with phone verification because random email is assigned with fixed phone number. You won’t be able to re-verify email/phone in this case).
- Input !kj{Yes} in the options column for kijiji accounts if you also have craigslist posting feature.
- CL may have a posting limit of 3 postings per account for free ads.


click the image to enlarge it

*NOTE* When posting directly through an account, the status of your ad in the Ad Manager will say "waiting for email". This is because when you are posting through a craigslist/Kijiji account, there is no email sent to publish your ads because craigslist/Kijiji skips that step if you are logged into an account.


Software Use and Responsibility: As owner of Craigslist Auto Poster you are responsible for the the use of this software as noted and outlined in our disclaimer. Craigslist Auto Poster is not designed nor intended to be used as a spam tool, though rather a ad management tool for you to post, edit, and delete your listings with Craigstlist.org.

This site is neither endorsed, nor sponsored by, nor affiliated with Craigslist.org. - Craigslist is a registered trademark of Craigslist, Inc.

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